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Saturday, March 03, 2012

Saturday Fun :)

Today was a blast in Sociotown today , alot of people was on to join in the fun . There was GX , Sonic13 , KobeJuwan , Flura , PrincessVictoria , Arica1 , Malcomn , me (Ellaina) , Bob , Sonni , Flaura , Emmanual , and many more . As the races started tensions got pretty high in the dome . There were some harsh words thrown around and some names being called out , I regret nothing :P . After the races were over we all celebrated by going to my Apt for some fun & games . Posted below is a picture of the fun , and an appearance from a very special person: Travis of East Apartments ! Also congratulations to my sister and best friend Flura for winning second place in the race , good job :) . Chow for now ! 

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