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Monday, March 05, 2012

Contest Is Finally Here ! Dun Dun Dun. . .

Good morning guys ! I have finally thought of a contest for everyone who reads or follows this blog . For one week Flura and I will ask a series of questions , and the first person to answer correctly wins for that day . Sounds easy right ? Wrong ! The questions we ask won't be very easy , and you can do whatever you have to do to find the answer . BUT , you can't ask Flura , Sonni , or me for the answers . That calls for immediate disqualification . At the end of the week whoever had the most amount of questions right wins , I'm not gonna say the prize but it's good >;P . I will be posting the rules later on in the day , good luck to everyone participating . If you would , could you post your Sociotown name below so that we can have an idea of how many people are participating ? Thanks , and Chow for now ! 

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